
1: Sign in to the Kopo Kopo Web Application

The reference of the settlment account is listed together with the rest of the details found on a settlement account record.

Step 1A. Click on the Settings Navigation Menu

Reveals an account settings menu option, which upon clicking displays the menu option for settlement details.

Settlement Details Nav Menu

Step 1B. View a single Settlement Account Record

After clicking on the settlement details side navigation option, a list of available settlement account records you have created should be available. Viewing one should show the reference.

Settlement Account Record

2: Use K2Connect API

  1. Please note that this feature has been discontinued. Login to the app to obtain the destination reference as shown above.

If a settlement account request was made through the API, a Location URL representing the request made, which can be used to identify further details of the respective settlement account.

Step 2A. Obtain an application access token

Your application will exchange its client_id, client_secret, and grant_type=client_credentials for an application access token. An application access token can then be used to make calls to the API on behalf of your application.

Step 2B. Query the Settlement Account

Using the settlement account URL in the location header, you can query account details.

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 0Sn0W6kzNicvoWhDbQcVSKLRUpGjIdlPSEYyrHqrDDoRnQwE7Q

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
    "data": {
        "id": "7104f019-2b8e-44ab-b8f4-8203ca9a69ff",
        "type": "merchant_bank_account",
        "attributes": {
            "status": "Approved",
            "account_reference": "9a84aea3-4ac3-4834-b4a0-86da943be3a9",
            "bank_branch_ref": "633aa26c-7b7c-4091-ae28-96c0687cf886",
            "account_name": "Postman BankTwentyOne",
            "account_number": "324264",
            "settlement_method": "EFT"
settlement_account = {
  type: 'merchant_bank_account',
  account_name: 'account_name',
  account_number: 'account_number',
  bank_branch_ref: 'bank_branch_ref',
  settlement_method: 'settlement_method'

# Using K2Connecct - (Recommended)
# Add a merchant mobile wallet
k2_settlement.location_url # => ""
var requestBody = {
  'accountName': 'John Doe',
  'bankBranchRef': 'c7f300c0-f1ef-4151-9bbe-005005aa3747',
  'accountNumber': '123456789',
  'settlementMethod': 'EFT',
  'accessToken': 'myRand0mAcc3ssT0k3n'

//  Using Kopo Kopo Connect - (Recommended)
const TransferService = K2.TransferService

  .then( response => {
    console.log(response) // => ''
  .catch( error => {

# Using K2Connect - (Recommended)
k2connect.initialize(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, BASE_URL)
transfer_service = k2connect.Transfers

# create verified settlement bank account
bank_settlement_account = transfer_service.add_bank_settlement_account(ACCESS_TOKEN, "settlment_method", "account_name",
                                                                            "account_number", "settlement_bank_branch_ref")
bank_settlement_account # => ""
//  Using Kopo Kopo Connect - (Recommended)
$transfer = $K2->SettlementTransferService();

$response = $transfer->createMerchantBankAccount([
    'accountName' => 'John Doe',
    'bankBranchRef' => 'c7f300c0-f1ef-4151-9bbe-005005aa3747',
    'settlementMethod' => 'EFT',
    'accountNumber' => '123456789',
    'accessToken' => 'myRand0mAcc3ssT0k3n'

if($response['status'] == 'success')
    echo "The resource location is:" . json_encode($response['location']);
//Implement Java example